A Venue for Biblical studies for the Ekklesia

Weekly Video Studies from 2025

The video content found on this page are the video studies presented each Sabbath. Some studies contain additional printable material found under the PDF or HANDOUT buttons. The studies are listed in most recent first order.


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Will To Do His Will!  

AUTHOR: Michael NelteSTUDY DATE: 2025-02-22


In John 7:17, we see the phrase: "wills to do His will". How important is it that our will is in alignment with YHVH's will? Do we want to do God's will? There are several benefits listed when our desire is to do God's will and then when we actually do His will - including growing in the fruit of the Spirit, and eventually, being granted eternal life. Sounds important to me!

The Two Covenants (An Everlasting Covenant)  

AUTHOR: Mark MickelsonSTUDY DATE: 2025-02-15


The covenant YHVH made with Israel was an everlasting covenant and the land of Canaan is to be their everlasting possession and circumcision is an everlasting covenant to them and their descendants as well. YHVH will be their God, and they will be his people, and His sanctuary will be in their midst forevermore. That sure sounds like more than 7000 years.

is Your Heart Set on Repentance  

AUTHOR: Les KingSTUDY DATE: 2025-02-08


We mostly look at repentance as being something that is between us and YHVH. We of course sin against YHVH when we do wrong to another person. Consider what Yeshua says in Mat 22:37-39;

37 Yeshua said unto him, You shalt love YHVH your God with all your heart, and with all your soul, and with all your mind. 38 This is the first and great commandment. 39 And the second is like unto it, You shalt love your neighbor as thyself.

When we don't do the 2nd great commandment it is a sin and the person treated wrongly or unfairly has to be restored. Do we just have to say I'm sorry and everything is then okay? In this study we will explore this and how our heart of stone or of flesh is involved in this process.

The Two Covenants (The New Covenant)  

AUTHOR: Mark MickelsonSTUDY DATE: 2025-02-01


There is both an old and a new covenant and they portray different relationships with YHVH. Sometimes we think of the old covenant as part of the Old Testament and the new covenant as part of the New Testament, but new covenant relationships existed in the Old Testament as well. It is helpful to consider some of the terms that describe new covenant relationships in the Old Testament.

Lifting of Jacob's Skirts  

AUTHOR: David SurridgeSTUDY DATE: 2025-01-25

  MP3 VIDEO YouTube

In Jeremiah's time it was Yehovah's will to reveal to Judah the sins that were being committed by their authorities in charge, that is, their king and religious leaders and their prophets. I do not have any inside information from Yehovah as to what the future may bring. All I have is the news that I read and see, and what the scriptures tell me about what has happened in Israel's and Judah's past and what the scriptures say will happen when Lucifer's rule comes to an end and when Yehovah's Rule is established over the nations. Yehovah used the prophet Jeremiah to point out to Judah and Jerusalem what would lead to their downfall... Jeremiah called this revelation the "lifting of Jacob's skirts".

Does YHVH Speak to You?  

AUTHOR: Terry SwagertySTUDY DATE: 2025-01-18

  MP3 VIDEO YouTube

There is a lot of competition these days for our attention. In order for YHVH to do the work that he is doing in us, He must have our attention. After all, eternal life depends on our knowing the one true God and Jesus Christ whom He sent.

The God of the New Testament  

AUTHOR: Michael NelteSTUDY DATE: 2025-01-11

  MP3 VIDEO YouTube

Every book in the New Testament, besides for 3 John, clearly talks about God the Father and clearly talks about Jesus Christ. However, when words like "God", "Lord", and "Savior" are used, are they referring to the Father, or to the Son - or do they refer to someone else? All too often these are interpreted in a way that is consistent with our biases, instead of in a way that is consistent with the record of scripture.

Born Blind  

AUTHOR: Les KingSTUDY DATE: 2025-01-04

  Outline/Transcript MP3 VIDEO YouTube HANDOUT

This story begins John 7:14-38, when Yeshua went to the Feast of Tabernacles in the middle of the Feast and continues in John 9 and 10 which happened just before the Feast of Dedication aka Hanukkah talked of in John 10:22. I am going to tell this story to you in the first person, from the blind man's perspective. It's how I imagined he thought, based on the events recorded for us, and how blind peoples were treated and looked upon in that day.

Total Videos: 8


Colossians 1:19-22 NKJV

For it pleased the Father that in Him all the fullness should dwell,

and by Him to reconcile all things to Himself, by Him, whether things on earth or things in heaven, having made peace through the blood of His cross (crucifixion).

And you, who were once alienated and enemies in your mind by wicked works yet now He has reconciled

in the body of His flesh through death, to present you holy, and blameless, and above reproach in His sight--

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