A Venue for Biblical studies for the Ekklesia

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Biblical Calendar Part 1 of 2 THE CALENDAR - LOCAL OBSERVATION   NEXT

AUTHOR: Les King SUBMITTED: 2021-01-04


The calendar used by most of the Churches of God is the calendar created by the Jewish Sanhedrin's leader, Hillel II after 320AD. In his effort to create a calendar for all times, he used the metonic cycle which was a discovery by Greek astronomer Meton. This 19 year cycle allowed using a repeating cycle of leap years and the start of the new year would be determined by this cycle. There are many things that the Jews changed from the calendar that they used during the time that Christ lived. They included a process called postponements that are designed to move the Day of Atonement from being next to the weekly Sabbath. If one studies the Jewish calendar they will find these errors and more. Our purpose in this study was to go through scripture and make a calendar that will be based on scripture. A calendar that anyone can do and teach their children. A calendar that doesn't rely on another person, religious group or corporate organization.


Total Studies: 1


Isaiah 40:31 NKJV

But those who wait on Yehovah

Shall renew their strength;

They shall mount up with

wings like eagles,

They shall run and

not be weary,

They shall walk and

not faint.

Today's Date