Biblical Understanding based on the Record of Scripture
Spiritual maturity is defined for us as being able to rightly discern good and evil, which are principles that God alone has the right to set. To learn these things, we must come to believe God when He tells us something in the pages of the Bible. There is a very long history of not doing so, and the impact of that, is great. We look at the ramifications that would be extent if we actually believed what God says, and the two things that underpin Satan's assault on us not doing so. Those two things are an evil heart of unbelief, and the removal of the fear, awe, and reverence of God from society, thus nullifying God's words to us. This blinds us in the commission to discern good and evil. We have to fix that.
Total Studies: 1
Isaiah 40:31 NKJV
But those who wait on Yehovah
Shall renew their strength;
They shall mount up with
wings like eagles,
They shall run and
not be weary,
They shall walk and
not faint.