Biblical Understanding based on the Record of Scripture
God is capable of reading hearts and has recorded things in scripture that were said in the hearts of men. This should not surprise us, rather what should surprise us is how often that is so. If the Father looks on the hearts of men, we would expect Christ to have done the same, and indeed that is so. The New Testament writers also did the same. Perhaps it is something that today's ecclesia might also take into consideration? When God tells us something, could it be that we have an evil heart of unbelief that limits our understanding? How much of the Bible we read is simply not believed, with the result that substantive change does not occur as it should?
Total Studies: 1
Isaiah 40:31 NKJV
But those who wait on Yehovah
Shall renew their strength;
They shall mount up with
wings like eagles,
They shall run and
not be weary,
They shall walk and
not faint.