Biblical Understanding based on the Record of Scripture
The argument over the meaning of "Holy Spirit" as found in the Bible, has been ongoing for millennia. Generally, people take the position of their respective denomination, and run with it. They couldn't be wrong could they? Maybe it just doesn't matter to some. The fact that it is used in the Bible, should make us want to know, it is part of the word of God. If we don't know what "holy" means, and we don't know what "spirit" means, then it isn't likely we'll know what "holy spirit" means. We look at how the Bible actually uses those terms, so that we might begin to understand what the Bible says when we come across the reference to "holy spirit" in the scriptures.
Total Studies: 1
Isaiah 40:31 NKJV
But those who wait on Yehovah
Shall renew their strength;
They shall mount up with
wings like eagles,
They shall run and
not be weary,
They shall walk and
not faint.