A Venue for Biblical studies for the Ekklesia

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The Book Of Isaiah and The Day Of YHVH   

AUTHOR: Mark Mickelson STUDY DATE: 2024-10-14


The day of YHVH includes a number of events that are not generally attributed to it. That is evident in the book of Isaiah when the terminology is understood. 40% of the references in the Old Testament to "The day of the LORD" and "in that day" are in Isaiah and used to describe that time. Knowing what events are included in the day of YHVH helps us to better understand God's prophetic plan.


The Time of the End-When? How Long?   

AUTHOR: Terry Swagerty STUDY DATE: 2024-10-12


I am trying to sort out the culmination of the age. Daniel 12 speaks of knowledge increasing and people running to and fro. We understand the annual progression of the appointed times; where are we in the actual fulfillment of prophetic events? Matthew 24, that corner stone of prophecy, needs a closer look.


All About Trumpets   

AUTHOR: Les King STUDY DATE: 2024-10-05


Yom Teruah a memorial of shouting. Over the past few years we have had studies that show us that the day that we previously called the Day of Trumpets had more to do with shouting than trumpets. The fact is that there are multiple trumpets blown on Yom Teruah in Old Testament times and they are not of the ram's horn variety that the Jews use. In this study we will explore the usages of the words translated as trumpets and try to unravel some of the confusion about them.


Love your Neighbor, Correct your Neighbor   

AUTHOR: Michael Nelte STUDY DATE: 2024-09-28


"Love your neighbor as yourself" shows up 9 times in the Bible. Once in Lev 19 in the OT, and it is quoted 8 times in the NT. When we think of loving our neighbor, we don't usually think about correcting them, yet the context of "Love your neighbor as yourself" is in the context of correcting your neighbor when he sins.
Correcting someone is an act of love - at least it is when done correctly - and not doing so when you should, is an act of hate. In this study we will explore how these concepts are intertwined.


The Mystery Of The Harvest   

AUTHOR: Mark Mickelson STUDY DATE: 2024-09-21


Paul, in the book of Romans, refers to the gospel as a mystery that has been revealed. Why then does the body of the Church of God believe the saints will be resurrected on Trumpets and everyone else will have their opportunity for salvation on the 8th Day; neither of which is a harvest? There are three harvests in YHVH's plan and each pictures a resurrection. It is important to understand the mystery of the harvest.


Rivers of Living Water   

AUTHOR: Terry Swagerty STUDY DATE: 2024-09-14


Jesus states that from the hearts of believers shall flow rivers of living water. What exactly does this mean? Is this a description of your experience as a believer? Do you know of any believer that even remotely resembles this picture? Let's take a closer look.


Personal Responsibility   

AUTHOR: Mark Mickelson STUDY DATE: 2024-09-07


One of the most fundamental goals in raising a child is for them to become personally responsible in a godly way. They start out with their parents being responsible for them and they need to successfully transition to being responsible for themselves. Taking personal responsibility is what we must also be doing in a spiritual way. There are seasons in our lives, and we need to use them well. Without seedtime there is no harvest. We need to be faithful in little in order to be trusted with true riches.


Lying Pen of the Scribes   

AUTHOR: Michael Nelte STUDY DATE: 2024-08-31


Jer 8:8 How can you say, 'We are wise, And the Law of the YHWH is with us'? But behold, the lying pen of the scribes has made it into a lie.
We do not have a perfect copy of the scripture in English, neither do we have one in Greek, nor do we have one in Hebrew. By the time of Jeremiah, corruptions had already been introduced into the Law of YHWH. Since then, more corruptions have happened, and then even more as it is translated, like into English.
I don't like that we have a corrupted copy of the scripture - but that is what we have. What are we supposed to do, how can we, how should we deal with this?
Thankfully, YHWH has provided a path forward. In this study, we will explore that path.


The Problem with Prosperity   

AUTHOR: Mark Mickelson STUDY DATE: 2024-08-24


Give me neither poverty nor riches. Really? The problem with being broke is pretty obvious, but isn't prosperity a blessing? Most of us would rather risk having too much than having too little. What is the problem with prosperity?


Did Abraham, Isaac and Jacob Know YHVH?   

AUTHOR: Terry Swagerty STUDY DATE: 2024-08-17


The question was prompted by Ex 6:3 "I appeared to Abraham, Isaac and Jacob as God Almighty but by my name LORD (YHVH) I was not known to them." As with similar questions, the consistency and continuity of scripture is brought into focus as well as the questionable scholarship that formed the theological foundation of the WCG.


Moving Mountains   

AUTHOR: Michael Nelte STUDY DATE: 2024-08-10


Matt 17:20 if you have faith as a mustard seed you will say to this mountain 'Move from here to there' and it will move. How many examples do you know of where a mountain was moved? If no mountains have been moved recently, does that mean no one has faith as a mustard seed? What does this verse mean? How are faith, unbelief and doubt related? In this study we'll examine this and how we can grow in faith.


Baptizing the Cucumber   

AUTHOR: Les King STUDY DATE: 2024-08-03


This study explores the use of the transliterated word that has become the Ordinance of Baptism. We'll see that the Greek word that this comes from was in use before the NT and can be found in the OT. It has a broader meaning than what it is represented today and is better represented by a translation of the word rather than its transliteration.


Hearing the Father's Voice   

AUTHOR: Mark Mickelson STUDY DATE: 2024-07-27


The OT is the story of YHVH (the Father) with some references to Jesus Christ, rather than the story of the preincarnate Jesus Christ with some references to the Father. The argument that no one has ever heard the Father's voice is based on a distortion of a single verse, the result being to deny who YHVH is.


He Who Has Seen Me Has Seen the Father   

AUTHOR: Mark Mickelson STUDY DATE: 2024-07-20


Jesus said "He who has seen Me has seen the Father". Really? What about "No one has seen God at any time"? If someone saw YHVH in the old testament, does that mean it was actually Jesus Christ. Was Jesus Christ the God of the old testament? Does Atonement (Coverings) portray Jesus entering the Holy of Holies with His own blood and placing it at His own feet? How can these things be? The answer is not in "here a little, there a little". It is in the continuity of the record of scripture.


From One Flesh to One Body   

AUTHOR: Mark Mickelson STUDY DATE: 2024-07-13


The oneness of a physical relationship in marriage is supposed to portray the oneness of Jesus Christ and the Church. And since Jesus is one with the Father, then that relationship is part of the portrayal as well. What we do in the flesh is directly connected to what we do in the Body.


What's in a Name?   

AUTHOR: Mark Mickelson STUDY DATE: 2024-07-06


In the English language and culture, our names are often an identity rather than a representation of our mindset and character. The use of "name" though, in Hebrew and Greek, is often different. In scripture, doing something in someone's name means doing it by their authority or in the same way they would have done it themselves. What's in a name?


Do You Know What Faith Is?   

AUTHOR: Michael Nelte STUDY DATE: 2024-06-29


From scripture, we know the just shall live by faith and faith is a weightier matter of the law. It is important that we have faith. But what exactly is faith, do you have it, and are you practicing it? In this study, we examine what faith is and how it is described in the Bible.
Do you believe in Jesus? How is that related to proper Biblical faith?


Love is Actions   

AUTHOR: Les King STUDY DATE: 2024-06-22


We all look to Mat 22:37-39 and believe that we understand what Yeshua is saying, "you shall love the Lord (YHVH) your God with all your heart, and with all your soul, and with all your mind." But then adds to that by saying "You shall love your neighbor as yourself." In this study we will attempt to understand how our humanity makes this a difficult proposition by reviewing Corinthians 13 and the list of what love is not.


The Feast of Harvest   

AUTHOR: Terry Swagerty STUDY DATE: 2024-06-16


We are introduced to three festivals as the nascent nation of Israel is entering into covenant relationship with YHVH. What exactly is to be harvested? Harvest implies planting, growth to maturity and timely reaping.


Bread: From Passover to Pentecost   

AUTHOR: Michael Nelte STUDY DATE: 2024-06-15


We see unleavened bread at the Passover meal and in the offerings during the Feast of Unleavened Bread. Yet at Pentecost we see 2 leavened loaves as the wave loaves. Leaven is often equated with sin, and I've heard that these loaves are leavened to symbolize that those in the first fruits are sinners. The more I understand about how leaven works the less it makes sense to always equate it with sin - particularly for the wave loaves. In this study we look at how bread is used in the Bible and how that changes from Passover to Pentecost.


What is the Basis of Our Understanding?   

AUTHOR: Mark Mickelson STUDY DATE: 2024-06-08


The Bible text includes the record of God's words (inspiration), and also man's words (interpretation), some of which are by good intentions and some of which are simply fraud. How do we know the difference and what difference does it make? To know or not to know, that is the question.


On What Does Our Salvation Depend?   

AUTHOR: Mark Mickelson STUDY DATE: 2024-06-01


We are not saved by knowledge, but neither are we saved apart from knowledge. What we do with what we know is an important factor in our salvation and is something we must always carefully and faithfully consider.


From Yeshua's Crucifixion to Pentecost   

AUTHOR: Les King STUDY DATE: 2024-05-25


Today is the 28th day on the count to Feast of Weeks, it is the 4th Sabbath since the counting of weeks began to the 2nd of the harvest Festivals/Pentecost. The Gospel of John chapter 20 verses 30-31 the Apostle writes that during this time Yeshua did many signs in the presence of his disciples so that we might believe that Yeshua is the Anointed One, the Son of God. In this study we'll explore those things that were recorded for us from the time that Yeshua was put into the grave to the Feast of Weeks known as Pentecost in the New Testament.


Does God Love You?   

AUTHOR: Terry Swagerty STUDY DATE: 2024-05-18


You might ask, "What kind of question is that. Everyone knows God so loved the world that he sacrificed his son Jesus so we might obtain eternal life." OK, is that the end of the story? No further obligations for God or man? Let's take a closer look.


What Can You Bind or Loose?   

AUTHOR: Michael Nelte STUDY DATE: 2024-05-11


Whatever you bind on earth is bound in heaven! Whatever you loose on earth is loosed in Heaven! These statements are found in Matthew 16:19 and 18:18. Many explain these as granting extra authority to Peter and/or the rest of the apostles, and thus also to them. These statements do not grant Peter or anyone the right or ability to bind anything on earth that they could not already bind, not loose anything that they could not already loose. These verses do have meaning - one that fits with the continuity of scripture. In this study we delve into what it means to bind or loose, as well as what you can bind and what you can loose. Along with this, there is a concept of a mediator that is tucked in there that we will also look at.


The Gifts of God   

AUTHOR: Mark Mickelson STUDY DATE: 2024-05-04


The bad news is the heart of man is deceitful and wicked, but the good news is that YHVH loves mercy. YHVH is longsuffering toward us that we should not perish, and His mercy is not just in being patient in judgment, but in being generous with gifts to allow us to fulfill His will. Whatever we lack in the flesh can be overcome by what He gives us in the spirit. The fulfillment of our lives is not physical, but spiritual, and that can only be by the gifts of God.


Judged in the Light of the Sun   

AUTHOR: Mark Mickelson STUDY DATE: 2024-04-30


We are to keep the Feast with the unleavened bread of sincerity and truth. The word "sincerity" has a deeper meaning in Greek than it does in English. The original Greek literally means "judged in the light of the sun". Recognizing that deepens our understanding of the purpose for which the festival is to be kept.


Remember His Marvelous Works   

AUTHOR: Terry Swagerty STUDY DATE: 2024-04-27


YHVH performed great works through the patriarchs and prophets. Jesus did great works and proclaimed, "greater works than these will you do, because I go to my Father." What/where is the evidence of these great works?


From Slaves to Sons   

AUTHOR: Michael Nelte STUDY DATE: 2024-04-24


We are told to remember that we were slaves and that God by a strong arm freed us from slavery. Is this just about remembering that the Israelites were slaves and then rescued thousands of years ago? There is a spiritual parallelism to physical slavery and freedom that we should remember and that should be deeply personal to each one of us. We are told on the first day of Unleavened Bread to remember that God freed us from slavery. What is it that leaven represents that we are to be putting out for Unleavened Bread? What is this new lump that we should become? How is this related to slavery - or to being freed from slavery?


Is Your Leaven My Leaven?   

AUTHOR: Austin Wildt STUDY DATE: 2024-04-20


During The Feast of Unleavened Bread, God instructs us to abstain from eating leavened bread and to eat unleavened bread for seven days. Many sources that describe the meaning of these days will state that they picture removing sin from our lives. Leaven represents sin, and therefore must be removed from our homes... down to the smallest crumb. Though this understanding is prominent, it comes with many questions and inconsistencies when compared to scripture.


Passover the Night to be Observed   

AUTHOR: Les King STUDY DATE: 2024-04-13


The COGs (Churches Of God) have observed Passover a night before the NTBMO (Night To Be Much Observed). In this study we will show how they are one in the same. We will also look at the argument of "ben ha arbayim" that is used to justify an early 14th Passover and separate them into 2 separate events.


The Thoughts and Intents Of The Heart   

AUTHOR: Mark Mickelson STUDY DATE: 2024-04-06


Teach a person to obey, and they will appear to be in agreement with you. Teach them to think though, and they will likely make some choices that are different from your own. Salvation is based on being in unity with the Father and His Christ rather than on being in unity with men. What do we do when we don't all agree?



AUTHOR: Terry Swagerty STUDY DATE: 2024-03-30


I Think we all understand that forgiveness is an integral part of our Christian experience. What is it that enables forgiveness? Is it because God is love therefore he forgives? Is it because we are sorry for bad behavior? Yes, yes, and more.



AUTHOR: Michael Nelte STUDY DATE: 2024-03-23


Job 41:6 Repent in dust and ashes! Amos 7:3 The YHWH repented for this. Jonah 3:10 And God repented of the evil. Num 23:19 God is not a man ... that He should repent. Luke 13:5 Unless you repent you too will all perish. Acts 2:38 Repent and be baptized. Repent! Clearly repenting is important,but what is it? There are 2 unrelated groups of Greek words translated as repent and 2 unrelated groups of Hebrew words translated as repent. In the NASB only about 1% of these Hebrew words are translated as repent or repentance. To add to the confusion, the English word repent has changed meaning over the last few centuries. Most of us understand repent to be turning from evil, but that is incomplete in what the words mean. In this study we will look at what repentance means in both the OT and the NT.


It Shall Not Be So Among You!   

AUTHOR: Mark Mickelson STUDY DATE: 2024-03-16


The Church of God in our day has experienced both the best of times and the worst of times. The best of times was when the focus was on worshipping YHVH and the worst of times was when the focus was on following a man. Being a minister means being a servant. It is not a reference to an ordained man who has been given spiritual power and authority. Dividing the church up into ministers and members creates a separation that neither YHVH nor Jesus Christ ever intended.


Tradition or Doctrine   

AUTHOR: Les King STUDY DATE: 2024-03-09


Mar 7:7-8 says "This people honors me with their lips, but their heart is far from me. Howbeit in vain do they worship me, teaching for doctrines the commandments of men. For laying aside the commandment of God, you hold the tradition of men, as the washing of pots and cups: and many other such like things you do. And he said unto them, Full well you reject the commandment of God, that you may keep your own tradition." Verse 7 of this passage come from Isa 29:13. We can understand this to be speaking of the Jewish traditional laws prophesied by Isaiah that we would understand today as being from the Mishna and Talmud. But how about how Christianity has developed over the years splitting into many denominations and sects. Many have their doctrines codified in papers and booklets that explain how they arrived to these understanding. How much of these writings and understandings can be classified as traditions of men, teaching them as doctrine? Just what is the difference between a tradition and a doctrine? It seems as though every "church" believes their doctrines to be truth and all the other churches have false doctrines and traditions. In this study we are going to attempt to shed some light on this subject.


Who Has Authority in the Church of God Today?   

AUTHOR: Mark Mickelson STUDY DATE: 2024-03-02


The Church of God and The Body of Christ are in some ways the same, and in some ways different. Understanding that helps us to understand where godly authority exists and where it does not. The organizational structure of the churches of God has been based primarily on lordship and dominion, an approach that is condemned in scripture and which brings a curse on those who submit themselves to it. True godly authority is given as spiritual gifts rather than by physical ordination and submission to men.


Worship, the Biblical Record   

AUTHOR: Terry Swagerty STUDY DATE: 2024-02-24


This message was prompted by the ongoing controversy surrounding the place of Jesus in worship. Also, is worship only a "church" thing, or is there more to it? A closer look.


When is Ordained Not an Ordination? - Part 2    PREV

AUTHOR: Mark Mickelson STUDY DATE: 2024-02-17


YHVH (OT) and Jesus Christ (NT) chose individuals to be servants and gave them responsibility and authority and made their choices to be known. Other individuals took responsibility and authority to themselves, and proclaimed themselves, but were never chosen at all. The members of the Church of God, the Body of Christ, have been chosen to be servants and those who exercise lordship and dominion are choosing for themselves.


What's Your Evidence?   

AUTHOR: Michael Nelte STUDY DATE: 2024-02-10


What does the Bible say about evidence? Ex 20:16 You shall not bear false witness against your neighbor. This is a prohibition against presenting false evidence. Sometimes bearing false witness is equated with lying. While there is some relation, lying and bearing false witness are not the same thing. Is there a requirement for us to present true evidence? If so, when and what evidence are we required to present? In this study we will examine what bearing false witness is, as well as what bearing true witness is, and we'll look at a few examples which will hopefully make this clear. Is your evidence true and faithful or is it false? What evidence does your life present in words and actions?


When is Ordained Not an Ordination? - Part 1    NEXT

AUTHOR: Mark Mickelson STUDY DATE: 2024-02-03


The words ordain/ordained/ordination are used four times in the NKJ translation of the New Testament and none of them have anything to do with bestowing rank or offices on the members of the Church. In fact, in the NKJ, the term "ordination" is never used at all. What "ordained" is used for though is to describe the choice God made for the judgement of the world. Different translations often use different words, but the answer lies in the continuity of the record of scripture rather than in this word or that.


The Anointing of Jesus   

AUTHOR: Mark Mickelson STUDY DATE: 2024-01-27


The statements in the gospels that Jesus was the Anointed One, the Son of David, the Son of Abraham, were dramatic in that time but the statement that He was the Son of God was even more so. Each reference was based on prophesies that were fulfilled but the Jews weren't looking for a suffering Servant. They were looking for a conquering King. Still, in the flesh, Jesus had an anointing and we do as well. These things are important for us to consider.


Called to be Servants   

AUTHOR: Mark Mickelson STUDY DATE: 2024-01-20


A life worth living might be portrayed by the items listed on an impressive resume. Important skills and accomplishments. Successful endeavors and relationships. But that is not how YHVH portrays what He wants us to be. He wants us to be His servants, and by doing so, to live a life of service to each other as well. When we consider our lives according to YHVH's will, being servants is more important than having servants.


Are You Good or Are You good? Part 2: Kalos   

AUTHOR: Michael Nelte STUDY DATE: 2024-01-13


Many different Greek words are translated as good in the New Testament. In Part 1, we looked at the Greek word Agathos, and looked at how this is used in the New Testament. Today, I plan to go over the Greek word Kalos, which is the word most translated as good, and compare this to places where Agathos is translated as good. We'll be looking at the phrases good tree, good fruit, good seed, good soil and good works. James 4:17 Therefore, to him who knows to do good and does not do it, to him it is sin.


The Mystery of the Gospel Revealed   

AUTHOR: Terry Swagerty STUDY DATE: 2024-01-06


Jesus spoke of the "mystery of the Kingdom of God." Paul to the Ephesians noted the "mystery of His will" and "the mystery of Christ" and the "fellowship of the mystery." That was roughly 2,000 years ago. Yet the gospel was to go to Jerusalem, Judea, Samaria and to the ends of the earth. Surely the Good News must be understandable and not shrouded in mystery if it is to bring many sons to glory. Let's take a closer look.


Are You Good or Are You Good? Part 1: Agathos   

AUTHOR: Michael Nelte STUDY DATE: 2023-12-30


The word good shows up in the Bible in over 2000 verses, with 800+ of those in the NT. 49 different Greek or Hebrew words are translated as good, according to Strongs. How do we make sense of this and how does this impact how we understand the English translation? In this study, I plan to focus on the places where good is translated from agathos. This the good used in: John 5:29 ... those who have done good, to the resurrection of life, and those who have done evil, to the resurrection of condemnation. If you do this type of good, you end up in the resurrection of life. That makes it important to know what is meant by good in this verse.


The Environment is Never Benign   

AUTHOR: Mark Mickelson STUDY DATE: 2023-12-23


YHVH tests us to prove us and to refine us and Jesus intercedes for us to help us and to guide us. But Satan: the slanderer, the adversary, the tempter, the accuser, and the deceiver, tempts us to cause us to fail. We need not fail but the environment is never benign. We need to be careful to not get caught in the snare of the devil.


The Testing of Our Hearts   

AUTHOR: Mark Mickelson STUDY DATE: 2023-12-16


Man looks at the outward appearance, but YHVH looks at the heart. It's not just that He looks to see what is not outwardly shown. YHVH tests our heart to refine us and to prove us. YHVH's desire is that we choose life and good and our heart, as He sees it, is the measure of our choices.


Salvation (The Father and The Son)   

AUTHOR: Mark Mickelson STUDY DATE: 2023-12-09


Salvation is based on our relationship with The Father and The Son. How those terms are used and what they mean is important and impacts our understanding of what salvation is. Of particular interest is the use of the terms Begotten and Firstborn. YHVH was not the Father of the Son prior to the birth of Jesus.


Are You a Tree of Life?   

AUTHOR: Michael Nelte STUDY DATE: 2023-12-02


Proverbs 11:30 The fruit of the righteous is a tree of life. What is it that we are expected to do to produce a tree of life? What does this even mean? I plan to focus on one area we can be working on. It certainly is an area I need to be working on. In principle it is simple, yet at times it can be excruciatingly hard to put into practice, and to apply with the help of the Holy Spirit fully and perfectly.


Yehovah's Target: Bringing to Birth   

AUTHOR: Terry Swagerty STUDY DATE: 2023-11-25


Recently we have examined the nature of sin-missing the mark. The mark or the target is to become perfect as our Father in heaven is perfect. A daunting task at first glance. Ultimately the called of God will shed the flesh and its tendency to sin and embrace immortality. As we shall see the Father brings to birth and will deliver.


Words Have Meaning   

AUTHOR: Mark Mickelson STUDY DATE: 2023-11-18


The Bible doesn't always mean what it says. Of course, God always means what He says, but that isn't always reflected in the translation of the text. Words like LORD and Passover and Mercy Seat and Atonement are examples, but it doesn't end there. Even words like Sin and Forgiveness are sometimes misunderstood. Words have meaning and we need to understand God's words as clearly as we can.


Do You Know What Sin Is?   

AUTHOR: Michael Nelte STUDY DATE: 2023-11-11


Both the Greek and Hebrew words translated as 'sin' have an element of missing the target in them. We then need to understand what the target is. In Psalms, when David says, "Against you only, I have sinned," did he not also sin against Uriah and Bathsheba? What about keeping the law in the letter and in the spirit? If we don't keep the law in the spirit, is that sin? In this study we will look at what sin is and what the target is that we are aiming for. And we might find that the target is different than we think.


Being a Believer   

AUTHOR: Mark Mickelson STUDY DATE: 2023-11-04


Members of the body of the Ekklesia are called believers. Belief leads to life and unbelief leads to destruction. So, what is it that believers are to believe?


The Calendar and the Sabbath   

AUTHOR: Les King STUDY DATE: 2023-10-28


Whatever flavor of calendar that we use the 7th day Sabbath is linked to that calendar. It is linked to the Julian calendar, the Gregorian calendar and the Jewish calendar as well. The question comes up from time to time, "how do you know that the 7th day is still the 7th day?" We are going to answer this question with the use of data from the calendars mentioned as well as present why the Jewish calendar is not scriptural and caonnot be relied upon to determine YHVH's appointed times.


A Survival Guide For the End Time   

AUTHOR: Mark Mickelson STUDY DATE: 2023-10-21


Scripture states that the last days will be perilous times; lawlessness will abound and there will be deceivers and people being deceived. The greatest risk though, for God's people, is offenses. Knowing and living the words of YHVH and His Anointed is our security and our peace in the troubling times we face.


Post Feast Reflections   

AUTHOR: Terry Swagerty STUDY DATE: 2023-10-14


It is a good time to pause and reflect on conditions in the world. More importantly it's also a good time to reflect on the Work Yehovah is doing collectively and in individuals. It is a time to sharpen our focus as we seek to do the will of our heavenly Father.


The End, The Beginning   

AUTHOR: Michael Nelte STUDY DATE: 2023-10-08


The eighth day is often mentioned in context of the seven days of the Feast of Booths right before it. It is both closely related, yet distinct from the Feast of Booths. The eighth day is too often blurred with the Feast of Booths, when we need to examine it in relation to the Feast, while also keeping it distinct when we need to. How does it fit in with the plan of salvation at both and individual level and at a global plan of salvation? What do YHVH and Jesus do? What is your role in this?


Wait on the LORD   

AUTHOR: Glen White STUDY DATE: 2023-10-07


In searching the words used in the text, a rich world of meaning materializes. The response to this command does in fact affect our conduct while we wait for the ultimate appearance of the LORD pictured in this Festival. With some explanation I will then use the ministry of Elijah to demonstrate a living historical example of what it means to wait on the LORD.


The Testimony of the Faithful   

AUTHOR: Mark Mickelson STUDY DATE: 2023-10-06


The lives of the servants of YHVH, mentioned in Hebrews 11, serve as a witness and a testimony of their faith and of YHVH's faithfulness. Accordingly, throughout the record of scripture there are examples of YHVH's servants who, facing their own death, declare their testimony as well. That testimony is a wonderful witness and example for us all.


Is It Bad Enough Yet?   

AUTHOR: Les King STUDY DATE: 2023-10-05


We are instructed in scripture to "watch for no one knows the hour of His return". The criteria we are given centers around the worsening morality and rejection of YHVH's laws and commandments. Are we prepared for that day or are we waiting for it to get bad enough and when will we know when it is bad enough given the human propensity to adapt to the conditions around us?


Changing the Way We Do Business   

AUTHOR: Terry Swagerty STUDY DATE: 2023-10-04


The Almighty has allowed mankind to pursue his own way rejecting revelation for experimentation and competition. Here we examine some changes that will likely be installed as mankind is directed to the Way that leads to life.


The Feast of Booths   

AUTHOR: Mark Mickelson STUDY DATE: 2023-10-03


In the wilderness, YHVH's dwelling was the tabernacle and Israel dwelt in tents. The instructions Israel was given to make booths and to keep the Feast of Booths were for when they entered the promised land and was only to be done by them. We don't need to make temporary dwellings today. We are temporary dwellings.


Lessons From a Walnut: Cleaning and Sorting the Harvest   

AUTHOR: Michael Nelte STUDY DATE: 2023-10-02


After gathering in the produce from the fields, it is cleaned and sorted - often multiple times. In many cases it needs to sit and dry or mature to become good food. We, like the harvest, pass through multiple cleanings and sorting along our path to salvation. The final product of all this is that we should become good fruit - someone God would want to give eternal life to. The process of being cleaned is not always comfortable in the moment, but the results are worth it.


The Fields Are White for Harvest   

AUTHOR: Terry Swagerty STUDY DATE: 2023-10-01


The Almighty has a plan for mankind. We, through our ancient ancestors, Adam and Eve, have been on a serious detour from the path our Father intended for us. The fall festivals depict the intervention of Yehovah to return us to the path that will lead to eternal life. Mankind will be faced with the same decision presented in the Garden of Eden: will you live by My will that leads to life or insist on your own will that leads to death. There will be a great harvest of God's children.


The Great Commandment   

AUTHOR: Mark Mickelson STUDY DATE: 2023-09-30


The lawyers tested Jesus asking Him what the great commandment in the law was. The answer was openly known so what was the test? The test was about who Jesus was and the answer included both what His role was and what our role should be as well.


Day of Coverings: Have you been dyed?   

AUTHOR: Michael Nelte STUDY DATE: 2023-09-26


What is the Day of Coverings? Have you been covered? The appointed times give us a glimpse into the plan of salvation YHWH has for all mankind. They also give us a glimpse into the path to salvation on an individual basis. Do we need to be covered - is it something that each of us individually needs? If we need it, then what is it? A covering can both hide our sins, or at least take the focus away from them, and it can protect us from the punishment. But are there requirements to be covered? Have your sins been dyed over, allowing you to appear before YHWH?


Where is YHVH'S Government on the Political Scale?   

AUTHOR: Les King STUDY DATE: 2023-09-23


We hear from the churches that they all employ God's true government. We also are told that politics and religion don't mix. How can that be considering that government is politics. Today we will examine both ends of the political spectrum presented in scripture and try to see were YHVH'S government falls.


My Spirit will Not Strive Forever   

AUTHOR: Terry Swagerty STUDY DATE: 2023-09-17


The history of mankind is summarized as constant conflict against the revelation of the one true God, Yehovah. The day is coming when Yehovah takes the reigns, returns to this earth to set the affairs of men right.


What is Truth?   

AUTHOR: Austin Wildt STUDY DATE: 2023-09-16


We use the word "truth" quite a bit, especially in our current state where it is in short supply. Most of us have an understanding of the word. Scripture uses the word repeatedly as well, so it would seem proper to look at how scripture uses the word and compare it to our own use of it. Perhaps there's further information for us to add to, or adjust our current understanding.


What's In A Name? (The Name Of Jesus)   

AUTHOR: Mark Mickelson STUDY DATE: 2023-09-09


Paul wrote to the Colossians: Whatever you do in word or deed, do all in the name of the Lord Jesus. What does that mean? There are times when we reference the name Jesus and there are times when we do not. There is also confusion with the use of Lucifer in Isaiah 14 and the way Jesus is referenced in Revelation 22. What's in a name?


The Bite, The Venom, The Antidote   

AUTHOR: Michael Nelte STUDY DATE: 2023-09-02


In Revelation we see the term: "mark of the beast" used in 4 verses. The Greek word translated as mark is also used to describe the mark left by a snake bite. Clearly this mark can be fatal. In Rev 14:9-10 we see that if anyone receives the mark of the beast, he shall suffer the wrath of God. Is this a warning for us now? Or is it something we can ignore as something that will happen in the future, but not something that we need to concern ourselves with now? What is the mark and how should we be protecting ourselves from it? Is there an antidote for it so that you can you recover from having the mark?


What's in a Name? (The Name of YHVH)   

AUTHOR: Mark Mickelson STUDY DATE: 2023-08-26


What does it mean to do something in the name of YHVH? That statement is used repeatedly in the Old Testament and also quoted a number of times in the New Testament and it is significant. Knowing God's name is important, but knowing how it is used and what it represents is even more important. This is the first of two studies with the second study being: What's In A Name (The Name Of Jesus).


The Gospel According to Ezekiel   

AUTHOR: Mark Mickelson STUDY DATE: 2023-08-19


We tend to think of the gospel as a New Testament message but it is an Old Testament message as well. In fact, the Old Testament is the basis for the Gospel of The Kingdom and the book of Ezekiel is an important part of that. Looking at the origin of the message broadens our perspective as to what that message more fully is.


Faith That Pleases   

AUTHOR: Terry Swagerty STUDY DATE: 2023-08-12


Paul wrote: And now abide faith, hope, love, these three; but the greatest of these is love. Love is the greatest but we read in Hebrews ll:6 But without faith it is impossible to please Him, for he who comes to God must believe that He is, and that He is a rewarder of those who diligently seek Him. Jesus himself wondered if He would find faith on the earth when he returns (Luke 18:8). We examine hinderances to faith and characteristics of the faithful.


Losing Your Mind   

AUTHOR: Mark Mickelson STUDY DATE: 2023-08-05


Animals have a brain just as we do, but we also have a mind. Our mind is our faculty of consciousness and thought. With our mind we are able to evaluate our experiences and make choices, and most significantly, we are able to relate to God. We lose our mind to the degree that we reject YHVH and His dominion, and in Bible terms, we become part of the dominion of the beast.


To Obey or Not to Obey?   

AUTHOR: Michael Nelte STUDY DATE: 2023-07-29


In Rom 13 we have "Let every soul be subject to the governing authorities" and in Matt 23 we have "whatever they [Pharisees] tell you to observe, that observe and do". Are we expected to obey governing authorities with our soul? Are we expected to obey the Pharisees? How does this line up with the continuity of scripture? Are there cases where we should not obey governing authorities or Pharisees? We will look at how we can make sense of this and how it lines up with the examples of people in the Bible, plus how we should apply these and other related scriptures in our lives.


The Gospel According To John   

AUTHOR: Mark Mickelson STUDY DATE: 2023-07-22


Over 90% of the material in the book of John is unique compared to the other gospel accounts. His was the last to be written and includes material that would be unknown to us except by him. John's writing is simple and clear and grants us important understanding of the relationship between the Father and His Son.


Our Worst Enemy   

AUTHOR: Mark Mickelson STUDY DATE: 2023-07-15


Satan is not a name, it is a description, and it means adversary. Sometimes we think of Satan and the demons as constantly trying to disrupt our lives and ruin our focus, but that is not our worst opposition. With free will, we can choose not to respond to temptation, but when we do respond, we are our own opposition. When we are drawn away by our own desires, the worst enemy we have is ourselves.


Finally, Do We Now Have All the Truth?   

AUTHOR: Terry Swagerty STUDY DATE: 2023-07-08


Uncertainty often precedes curiosity and subsequent exploration; this may lead to enlightenment followed again by certainty. So it is with our understanding of scripture. Long ago we discovered "new truth" which cast doubt on our preconceived notions; enlightenment followed and then certainty settled in again: i.e. I am now in the one-and-only-true-church and possess THE truth. Alas, certainty again. In recent years we have indeed received additional enlightenment. Care must now be taken not to settle into a hardened state of certainty; for additional enlightenment will surely come.


The Burden of the Word of YHWH   

AUTHOR: Michael Nelte STUDY DATE: 2023-07-01


Mal 1:1 The Burden of the Word of YHWH to Israel by Malachi. What does the "The Burden of the Word of YHWH" mean? Is that different than "the Word of YHWH?" What should we understand from this phrase and how should this impact how we understand Malachi? What about the rest of the bible? Should it impact how we live our lives?


Stewards of YHVH's Creation   

AUTHOR: Mark Mickelson STUDY DATE: 2023-06-24


YHVH made Adam and put him in the garden of Eden with instructions to dress and keep it. Both the YLT and the LSV (literal translations) state that Adam was instructed "to serve" and "to keep" the garden and the implication is significant. Jesus came to serve rather than to be served and we are to do the same. That concept in scripture is portrayed as stewardship and understanding our responsibilities as stewards is important in striving to fulfill YHVH's purpose in our lives.


Spiritual Preparedness   

AUTHOR: Les King STUDY DATE: 2023-06-17


We often look to Mat 24 more for how end time events line up and leave out the context of Mat 25. Both chapters are the same speech and instructions. The first part of that speech tells what to expect and the latter is how to be prepared. This study will focus on the latter.


The Sickness and the Cure (Faith and Fear)   

AUTHOR: Mark Mickelson STUDY DATE: 2023-06-10


Without faith it is impossible to please our Father but perfect love casts out fear and God is love. Fear brings torment so we must not be of those who draw back. We have to replace the fear of man with the fear of God.


The Sickness and the Cure   

AUTHOR: Mark Mickelson STUDY DATE: 2023-06-03


Worldly traits are portrayed in scripture as a type of deadly infection, while spiritual traits are portrayed as purity, and purity is the cure. Specific worldly traits often have an antidote or treatment and being aware of that helps to, more effectively, apply the cure.


Pentecost: The Hope of the Resurrection   

AUTHOR: Terry Swagerty STUDY DATE: 2023-05-28


Jesus is described as the first of the first fruits; the first-born of many brethren. His experience sets the pattern for the first fruits harvest: birth, life, repentance/baptism, Holy Spirit, death and resurrection to glory.


The Two-edged sword!   

AUTHOR: Michael Nelte STUDY DATE: 2023-05-27


Putting on the sword of the Spirit, which is the word of God. (Eph 6:17) For the word of God is living and powerful, and sharper than any two-edged sword. (Heb 4:12) If anyone speaks let him speak as the very words of God. (1 Pet 4:11) In these 3 verses there are 3 different Greek words that are translated as word. Across English translations there are 90 verses where the phrase "word of God" or "words of God" are used. In this study we will explore what is meant by this and how it applies to us.


The Importance of Our Conscience   

AUTHOR: Mark Mickelson STUDY DATE: 2023-05-20


Our Father created us in His image and gave us the ability to reason and to make decisions. That ability goes beyond just being able to gain knowledge and make choices when it is assisted by the pull and conviction of our conscience. Being responsive to a properly trained conscience is essential to our spiritual growth. In contrast, being unresponsive is the way to judgement and destruction.


Romans Continued   

AUTHOR: Terry Swagerty STUDY DATE: 2023-05-13


The first 11 chapters of Romans is a serious theological discussion. From Chapter 12 the discussion shifts to application of Christian principals to everyday life; civic responsibilities (13) and getting along together with our various opinions and levels of understanding (14).


Questions/Comments From A Member (The Creation)   

AUTHOR: Mark Mickelson STUDY DATE: 2023-05-06


An element of the material presented on April 15 that was left to be addressed is the creation. Specifically, what does "All things were made through Him, and without Him nothing was made that was made" mean? In striving to understand scripture it is important to minimize interpretation (man's words) and to base our understanding on the consistency of the record (God's words).


Thinking Solutions   

AUTHOR: Les King STUDY DATE: 2023-04-29


There are different types of thought in scripture that line up with analogical, logical and rational thinking. Whether we realize it or not we use all of these disciplines of thinking in our search for understanding scriptures. If used correctly we can gain knowledge and understanding. Being human we can allow our emotions, our desired outcomes, our speculations and faulty reasoning to give us a false understanding, but recognizing this will give us the opportunity to keep these thoughts in check.


Romans 12: True Worship and Spiritual Transformation   

AUTHOR: Terry Swagerty STUDY DATE: 2023-04-22


Following an extensive discourse on matters theological, Paul turns to the matters of practical application in daily life. Note: Romans 9-11 I covered on May 22, 2021 and posted there under title The Selection, Rejection and Restoration of Israel.


Questions/Comments From a Member   

AUTHOR: Mark Mickelson STUDY DATE: 2023-04-15


Each of us is responsible for our own understanding. We may search out some who teach to assist us but only God's spirit convicts us of His words. Following a teacher is not an option. The Father is the God of truth.


Covenants, Blood and Marriage   

AUTHOR: Austin Wildt STUDY DATE: 2023-04-12


We'll go through the scriptures to see what is said about covenants--what types where were; how many there were; and with whom they were made. We'll also dig a bit into the marriage covenant and see what we find. Scripture, historic records, culture and common understandings are all looked at to see how they stack up to each other.


Romans 8 and the Harvest   

AUTHOR: Terry Swagerty STUDY DATE: 2023-04-08


Have you ever wondered what YHVH does all day, besides basking in the glow of reverential worship from the heavenly host? The three festivals are about harvest. It turns out that bringing a spirit harvest to maturity requires the undivided attention of the Almighty.


Breaking Bread and Drinking From the Cup   

AUTHOR: Mark Mickelson STUDY DATE: 2023-04-06


Over the years, the observance of Passover was ordered by very specific, physical customs and traditions. The true meaning though is to take on Jesus Christ, to live as He lived and do as He did. The observance of the Festival should illustrate what it means to be unleavened spiritually.


Romans 7: Who Will Deliver Me?   

AUTHOR: Terry Swagerty STUDY DATE: 2023-04-01


Our Heavenly Father cannot be defeated by the devil; we on the other hand cannot overcome the Devil without help. We are justified by the blood of Jesus Christ, saved by his life. The journey to eternal life is challenging and burying the old man is the beginning. While sin is forgiven we still must contend with our human nature and the Devil. Help is available.


Wrong Again!   

AUTHOR: Michael Nelte STUDY DATE: 2023-03-25


Translating is hard. Some concepts are difficult to translate. Add to that the meaning of words have changed over time, both in the language of the original manuscripts, and in English. I would like to look at some verses that are not translated very clearly - at least not in modern English.


The View From This Side Of The Grass   

AUTHOR: Mark Mickelson STUDY DATE: 2023-03-18


The Bible states that a lifespan is generally 70 to 80 years and part of the glory of living to that age would be to have gained some wisdom. I have had the blessing of living to that age and there are some lessons I would like to share.


Another Important Perspective on End Times Prophecies   

AUTHOR: Les King STUDY DATE: 2023-03-11


Many of us have views on prophecy and things that will happen based either on our personal studies or what was said from the pulpit. Some of those views or understandings use a fair amount of speculation and circumstantial evidence along with the solid prophetical scriptural evidence to create a story. This study aims to show that there are a lot of unanswered questions that are in the story that requires some interpretation on our part.


Romans 7 and the Law of the Husband   

AUTHOR: Terry Swagerty STUDY DATE: 2023-03-04


Romans 7 continues Paul's discussion about deliverance from the effects of broken law. Marriage binds husband and wife while both live. When one dies the survivor is free to marry another. Is the delivered "church" then to be married to Jesus?


Perspective is Important Part 6 of 7   

AUTHOR: Boyd Yahn STUDY DATE: 2023-02-25


The world we live in is a sea of lies. Shining forth in the darkness is instruction from Beings that cannot lie, that do not lie. Their words are truth to the point that we are enjoined to live by every word of that instruction contained within the Bible. And yet mankind either rejects or feels God does not mean what He says in that instruction so freely given, and it is not acted upon. To be at One with YHVH and Yeshua, we must accept that they mean what they say and get in harmony with it. Recognizing where we are not, is key to moving towards a condition where we might inhabit eternity with Them.


Romans and Things Hard to Understand   

AUTHOR: Terry Swagerty STUDY DATE: 2023-02-18


In 2 Peter 3, Peter spoke of the Apostle Paul's epistles containing things hard to understand; twisted and misapplied by untaught and unstable people. The misunderstanding may be purely theological or in some cases it may be in the practical application of Godly principles in daily life. We keep these points in mind as we continue our examination of the Epistle to the Romans.


Was YHVH Married To Israel?   

AUTHOR: Mark Mickelson STUDY DATE: 2023-02-11


Our historical understanding is that Jesus Christ, in the Old Testament, had a marriage covenant relationship with Israel. When you understand though that YHVH is the Father, then the question arises whether the Father had the same. Was YHVH married to Israel? The answer is important to understanding how the Father related to Israel and impacts our understanding of how He relates to us today.


Romans: The Ransom is Paid in Full   

AUTHOR: Terry Swagerty STUDY DATE: 2023-02-04


By pursuing the way "that seems right to a man", humanity has incurred a huge debt. The wages of sin is death and all have sinned. Without Divine intervention our cause is hopeless. Our Father provided/paid the ransom to free us from this bondage through the offering of His only son. We are now servants of righteousness leading to life.


Celebrating With Satan   

AUTHOR: Mark Mickelson STUDY DATE: 2023-01-28


YHVH's Appointed Times portray His plan of salvation for all of mankind while Satan's counterfeit of God's plan is laid out in various of the holidays. We need to be mindful of what Satan is portraying and not get caught up in it.


Getting Slapped   

AUTHOR: Michael Nelte STUDY DATE: 2023-01-21


Matt 5:38 But whoever slaps you on your right cheek, turn the other to him also. Does this mean we should be a punching bag? Do we need to accept every injury without defending ourselves? Or is this metaphorical and we can ignore it? What is it that we should be learning from this?


Perspective is Important - Part 1 of 7   

AUTHOR: Boyd Yahn STUDY DATE: 2023-01-14


There is a view out there that the only "barley" was Christ and all others are "wheat". Is this true? What is God's perspective on this? What does the Bible say?


Romans - Bringing Light to a Dark World   

AUTHOR: Terry Swagerty STUDY DATE: 2023-01-07


Paul's message is clear: salvation is through faith and is the gift of God. While sin entered in through the first Adam, God offered redemption and forgiveness through the second Adam, Jesus Christ.


The Big Lie   

AUTHOR: Mark Mickelson STUDY DATE: 2022-12-31

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Satan is a liar and the father of it and he is also the god of this age. All of this world's political, religious, and philosophical systems have as their basis, some lie that Satan has installed. We are called to worship the Father in spirit and truth, and it is important to be able to clearly recognize the difference.


No One You Know Tithes Part 1   

AUTHOR: Austin Wildt STUDY DATE: 2022-12-24

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This study dives into the concept of God's tithing system and reveals how it is impossible for us today to tithe the way God instructed. Our traditional understanding and teachings are gone through piece-by-piece and held to the scrutiny of scripture. We are going to take a hard and in-depth look at what God's tithing system was and what it was not.


There's a Fly in the Ointment   

AUTHOR: Boyd Yahn STUDY DATE: 2022-12-17

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The scriptures are meant to be our anchor to reality. When one looks at the descriptions of the resurrections in the Bible, and places them over the template of traditional COG understanding, it becomes clear that what was and is taught could not possibly be true. We look at those passages in some detail and see why we must adjust our understanding to fit what God has given us to see.


Romans, Paul, and the Law   

AUTHOR: Terry Swagerty STUDY DATE: 2022-12-10

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Volumes have been written analyzing Paul's contribution to the Apostolic Writings. Pauline theology, salvation by grace alone, Old Testament Legalism; these and other ideas have been endlessly examined. What is the actual record of scripture? Do we believe it?


Undue Influence   

AUTHOR: Mark Mickelson STUDY DATE: 2022-12-03

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Scripture warns us against putting our trust in princes yet that is the way of man. Take a man who wants to be followed and put him together with people who want to follow a man and another church will be born. Self-serving men take authority to themselves and use it to influence others in ungodly ways. We all need to learn to think, rather than to be told what to think, and thereby take personal responsibility for all we believe and do.


Romans and the Path Through the Straight Gate   

AUTHOR: Terry Swagerty STUDY DATE: 2022-11-26

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While success in taking the gospel to the gentiles must have been exhilarating, age-old challenges remained. Living by faith; discarding a double standard; watering down the message; getting along in a diverse congregation were and continue to be.


Do the Will of God   

AUTHOR: Michael Nelte STUDY DATE: 2022-11-19

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What is the will of God and how should that be directing our lives? Rom 12:2 "prove what is that good and acceptable and perfect will of God." We need to not just know the will of God. We also need to prove it. In this study we look at how we can discern God's will.


No Private Interpretation   

AUTHOR: Mark Mickelson STUDY DATE: 2022-11-12

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No prophecy of Scripture is of any private interpretation, for prophecy never came by the will of man, but holy men of God spoke as they were moved by the Holy Spirit (2 Peter 1:20). We are not aware of any prophets today, but we do have the record of scripture and God's spirit is available to us. It is important that we strive to hear God's voice in the record of His words and not replace His words with our own.


Understanding Scripture - Part 4   

AUTHOR: Mark Mickelson STUDY DATE: 2022-11-05

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Our observance of the Appointed Times this year significantly increased our understanding of YHVH's plan of salvation. Elements of that plan only became evident as we walked through the steps portrayed by the festival seasons. Some of those elements are addressed here.


Services are Cancelled   

AUTHOR: To Be Assigned STUDY DATE: 2022-10-29

Due to sickness, there will be no service cybercast the Sabbath of October 29th. Check out our library of previous studies on this web site.


Paul's Epistles and the Barley Harvest   

AUTHOR: Terry Swagerty STUDY DATE: 2022-10-22

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There are three harvests mentioned in the Law. Unleavened Bread, Harvest (Pentecost) and Ingathering (Tabernacles). Recently we have come to see the distinction between the barley harvest and the wheat harvest. Together they represent the first fruits. Paul is preparing the gentile converts of his day for the first or barley harvest. They are among the dead in Christ that will rise first.


The 8th Day, A Fresh Look   

AUTHOR: Boyd Yahn STUDY DATE: 2022-10-19


What is taught in the Churches of God, regarding the 8th day Holy Day that follows the Feast of Tabernacles, can be found in E W Bullinger's Companion Bible, appendix number 198. This was written around 1900 and is what the Churches of God base their teachings on. Bullinger was an Anglican minister. That, in itself, isn't a problem, but if what is taught doesn't match the biblical record then it does present a problem. We take a fresh look at the mysterious 8th day in terms of what it actually represents in light of what the Bible tells us.


The Glory of the Temple of Yehovah   

AUTHOR: Les King STUDY DATE: 2022-10-18

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In this study we will explore the why the latter temple will have more glory than the former. In Haggai 2:9, Yehovah makes this statement after encouraging the remnant of the exiles to complete the temple they returned to the land to build.


The Will of YHVH   

AUTHOR: Boyd Yahn STUDY DATE: 2022-10-17

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Traditionally, in the COG sphere, there has been much emphasis on doctrine. This has led us to overlook, and be blind to YHVH's stated will, in any number of areas. We look at scriptures through the lens of God's stated will, in an attempt to see where we are at One with Him and Christ, and where we might need to make some adjustments to align with Them in a closer manner than we have in the past. Reading the scriptures in such a way as to discover God's will in many areas, changes our perspective and broadens our understanding.


Temple of YHVH Today   

AUTHOR: Glen White STUDY DATE: 2022-10-16

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A study into past temples the YHVH had constructed for Israel in the wilderness and then in Jerusalem. The intended purpose of a temple and the impact of their design on the present temple under construction.


The Judgment of the Nations   

AUTHOR: Mark Mickelson STUDY DATE: 2022-10-15


There are three harvest festivals a year with the last one referred to as the Feast of Ingathering in Exodus 23 and 34. The Feast of Ingathering completes the yearly harvest cycle and portrays the harvest of all the Nations. What it does not portray is the millennium. It truly is hard to unwind the many years of incorrect teaching, but it is important to recognize and accept what the record of scripture truly says.


YHVH Your God is He Who Fights for You   

AUTHOR: Austin Wildt STUDY DATE: 2022-10-14

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Taking a look at the times YHVH has intervened in battles, both scripturally and in modern times.


Learn to Fear YHVH your God Always   

AUTHOR: Michael Nelte STUDY DATE: 2022-10-13

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What is the purpose of the feasts which YHWH our God has commanded us to keep? What is it that we should be learning at God's feasts?


God Winked at these Days of Ignorance   

AUTHOR: Terry Swagerty STUDY DATE: 2022-10-12

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Our understanding of Yahovah's appointed times has changed dramatically in recent years. So much so that we mast admit we have been through a time of ignorance. There are three harvests described. What happens at each and what is the role of the Father and what role for the Son? And so many other questions. Now God calls all men, including the Church [ekklesia], to repent.


Day of Coverings (Restoration of Temple Worship)   

AUTHOR: Mark Mickelson STUDY DATE: 2022-10-07


The Day of Coverings portrays a number of things, but central to it all is the preparation for the Father to return and place His throne in the future temple. Coverings portrays the restoration of temple worship and the Father's promise to dwell in the midst of His people forever.


Paul and the Harvest Festivals   

AUTHOR: Terry Swagerty STUDY DATE: 2022-10-01

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The Apostle Paul is a major contributor to the apostolic writings, commonly called the New Testament.?? Surely, if the Festivals are important in understanding the Father's plan of salvation, Paul would have something to say about them.?? Well indeed he does as we shall see.


A Memorial of Blowing   

AUTHOR: Mark Mickelson STUDY DATE: 2022-09-28


Day of Trumpets is a memorial, which means it is meant to bring something specific to mind. Trumpets is when the Father, assisted by Jesus Christ, comes down to the earth and begins to directly assert His authority over the nations in preparation for establishing His Kingdom. It is a time of great accountability but also of great promise. We pray throughout our lives "Your Kingdom Come" and the Day of Trumpets portrays the time when that prayer is answered.


The Discernment of Good and Evil - Part 4 of 5   

AUTHOR: Boyd Yahn STUDY DATE: 2022-09-24

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Looking into the pages of the Bible while considering God's definitions of those terms opens up the Scripture in ways we likely haven't taken the time to consider before. In effect, we begin to look at things through the eyes of God, something Christ always did, and so must His body, to begin to be at one with our Father. We look at God's definitions of good and evil and how that plays a part in the narrative of the Bible. These are given so that we will be feeding on the tree of life, first offered in the garden, generally rejected by man today. In doing this, we can begin to see both the world we live in, and ourselves, in a completely different light, and so we must continue to grow.


Put on the Lord Jesus Christ   

AUTHOR: Mark Mickelson STUDY DATE: 2022-09-17


In response to our calling, we are to clothe ourselves with the presence of our Lord Jesus Christ (NLT). Both the Father and His Christ are evident in love but Jesus also suffered in the flesh as an example for us to follow. Putting on Jesus Christ is to live as He lived, being perfected, in part, by suffering.


The Example of Naomi   

AUTHOR: Michael Nelte STUDY DATE: 2022-09-10

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Naomi can sometimes feel like a side character in Ruth's story, yet when we look at her example there are lessons for us and how we should live our lives. In this study we will look at her example.


What is the Data Telling Us?   

AUTHOR: Terry Swagerty STUDY DATE: 2022-09-03

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We come to conclusions and form ideas and beliefs based on the information we have available. What happens if the data changes or indicates that our view is faulty? Long held beliefs are often protected inspite of new information. Can we approach the scripture without prejudice, laying aside our biases and preconceived notions and allow the Word of God to direct us?


Consider Your Priorities   

AUTHOR: Les King STUDY DATE: 2022-08-27

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There are 6 messages given in the later part of 520BC and beginning of 519BC by the prophets Haggai and Zechariah. These messages start in the 1st day of the 6th month and we are just one day from the 1st day of the 6th month today. It is an appropriate message that is given to the Jews and to us before the Feast of Tabernacles that we should consider our priorities. We will walk through these messages and see how they can apply to us in our time.


The Record of Scripture vs Here a Little, There a Little   

AUTHOR: Mark Mickelson STUDY DATE: 2022-08-20


Man has always wanted to add his words to God's words or to just replace God's words entirely, but what you end up with is the commandments of men. God's words are evident in the consistency of the record of scripture rather than by interpretation. Trying to understand the Bible "here a little, there a little" allows for interpretation and is portrayed in Isaiah 28 as a curse.


Who Will Deliver me?   

AUTHOR: Terry Swagerty STUDY DATE: 2022-08-13

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Humanity pretends things will get better and we will learn to live together and build a just and abundant world for all. As population grows and essential resources are depleted that possibility is looking less likely. Whether we few survive the human predicament globally, nationally, locally or personally, the bottom line is if we are to survive we will have to be rescued.



AUTHOR: Michael Nelte STUDY DATE: 2022-08-06

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The story recorded in the book of Job is one that can be hard to make sense of. This study looks at the lessons we can draw from the book of Job and how we can apply them in our lives.


Willful Sin   

AUTHOR: Mark Mickelson STUDY DATE: 2022-07-30


There is a difference between unintentional and intentional sin, just as there is a difference between the weakness of the flesh and willful sin. The difference is not just a matter of degree but what we respond to and why. Those who are led by the flesh, and continue along that way, have their reward in this life, but none in the life to come.


The Discernment of Good and Evil   

AUTHOR: Boyd Yahn STUDY DATE: 2022-07-23

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Spiritual maturity is defined for us as being able to rightly discern good and evil, which are principles that God alone has the right to set. To learn these things, we must come to believe God when He tells us something in the pages of the Bible. There is a very long history of not doing so, and the impact of that, is great. We look at the ramifications that would be extent if we actually believed what God says, and the two things that underpin Satan's assault on us not doing so. Those two things are an evil heart of unbelief, and the removal of the fear, awe, and reverence of God from society, thus nullifying God's words to us. This blinds us in the commission to discern good and evil. We have to fix that.


In Pursuit of Eternal Life   

AUTHOR: Terry Swagerty STUDY DATE: 2022-07-16

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We continue our survey of John's gospel account focusing on the testimony of Jesus and its effect on people. What does following Jesus' example require of us? What does he say about his relationship to his father?


Asking the Right Questions   

AUTHOR: Terry Swagerty STUDY DATE: 2022-07-09

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In searching for truth or seeking to correct error it is helpful to ask the right questions. For example, Is the testimony of Jesus credible? Was/is Jesus Christ-centered? Defending the current Statement of Beliefs often gets in the way of the Holy Spirit leading us to all truth.


The Knowledge Of The Truth   

AUTHOR: Mark Mickelson STUDY DATE: 2022-07-02


Knowing the truth is more than being able to quote the scriptures. The Pharisees could quote the scriptures but few of them had any understanding of the Father's purpose and intent. The Apostles were recognized as a faithful source of truth as they had been personally selected and taught by Jesus Christ and could give witness to the events of His life, death, and resurrection. Our knowledge of the truth depends on how we value it and what we do with it once we understand.


Herding the Wind: Man's Search for Meaning Without God   

AUTHOR: Terry Swagerty STUDY DATE: 2022-06-25

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It seems mankind will try just about anything in an attempt to establish autonomy and self determination. Such pursuits lead to bewilderment. There is a way that seems right to humanity and the more diligently that way is pursued the deeper the conflict. The Book of Ecclesiastes examines the human condition and the cyclical futility of life. What value is wisdom if the end result is inevitably the grave?


The Comings of Jesus Christ   

AUTHOR: Mark Mickelson STUDY DATE: 2022-06-18


Jesus Christ's coming for the resurrected saints is prior to The Great Tribulation, and yet scripture shows a great body of saints having been refined in the fire of The Great Tribulation. Both groups are first-fruits of the spiritual harvest and rise to be with God the Father and Jesus Christ in heaven. It is after The Great Tribulation that God the Father and Jesus Christ come down to the earth with the saints to establish the Kingdom of God over all the nations. Recognizing the difference in the context and timing of these events is critical to being able to understand what is represented by YHVH's harvest festivals.


The Heart of the Matter - Part 2   

AUTHOR: Boyd Yahn STUDY DATE: 2022-06-11

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The word "heart", in English, has a wide variety of applications. This is true of both the use of the word in Hebrew and Greek as well, so it behooves us to consider what is being talked about when we come across it in our study. We were made in the image of God, and the Bible reveals God has both a spirit, and a heart. He is involved in influencing both in mankind. Often, the words heart and spirit are used in the same scripture, and as such, give us a window of understanding of the two. What is the purpose of each?

See the Record of Scripture Category on the Study Topics Page for parts 3 and 4 of this series.


Bringing the Harvest to Maturity - Pentecost   

AUTHOR: Terry Swagerty STUDY DATE: 2022-06-05

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Pentecost is one of three harvest festivals. Bringing forth fruit requires a great deal more than simply planting. Becoming "perfect as your Father in heaven is perfect" is a life-long project directed by our Father.


The Heart of the Matter - Part 1   

AUTHOR: Boyd Yahn STUDY DATE: 2022-06-04

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The Bible talks a great deal about the "heart" of man. It is an area that hasn't been given much attention generally, yet on the Day of Pentecost, some of the listeners to Peter's sermon were "cut to the heart", and so thereby, were moved to action. What is it God is doing? We look at several examples where God is dealing with the "hearts" of men, and introduce consideration on the matter of "heart". When God gives the spirit of Christ to the ekklesia it is placed in our "heart". Perhaps we need to look at these things more closely as our understanding about God continues to increase?


Straight Rows   

AUTHOR: Terry Swagerty STUDY DATE: 2022-05-28

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The Book of Proverbs lays out life in pragmatic terms. Obedience yields blessings and long life; disobedience brings hardship and punishment. Is it always so straight forward?


The Spirits Of Just Men Made Perfect   

AUTHOR: Mark Mickelson STUDY DATE: 2022-05-21


Our Father is perfect in power and in love and we are to become perfect like Him.


Holy Spirit - Part 4 of 4   

AUTHOR: Boyd Yahn STUDY DATE: 2022-05-14

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A look at the 3rd general meaning of "Holy Spirit" that we find in scripture. This is separate and distinct from the first 2 we've looked at in HS 2 and 3. Since God the Father alone is referred to as holy, ( Rev 15:4), and He is a spirit, then it follows that our Father alone could have the title, The Holy Spirit, and this is indeed so. Christ is a holy spirit, angels can be holy spirits, but the Father has the Title. We look at various scriptures where "Holy Spirit" is denoting the Father Himself, in His person. The "Holy Spirit" is indeed a Person, and it is God the Father. We also look at where Satan would seek to claim the same title.


Jesus is not Plan B   

AUTHOR: Terry Swagerty STUDY DATE: 2022-05-07

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We humans struggle to make sense of our world. From the beginning we have had difficulty living at peace with ourselves and the physical environment. Empires rise and fall; centuries and millennia come and go. Still we ask, Is there a God? What is the purpose of life. Why all the suffering? Answers are available to those willing to honestly search.


Our Call To Stewardship   

AUTHOR: Mark Mickelson STUDY DATE: 2022-04-30


A steward has responsibility for things that are not actually his and that stewardship is a measure of his faithfulness. We have been called by our Father to be stewards; both of physical things and of spiritual things, and we must be faithful.


Contending For The Faith   

AUTHOR: Mark Mickelson STUDY DATE: 2022-04-23

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Jude states that we are to contend earnestly for the faith that was delivered to the saints. Unfortunately though, our understanding of that faith has been filtered, not just through man's customs and traditions, but also through man's manipulations and deceptions. We must be willing to examine what we believe and how we came to believe it. We then need to be willing to compare that, not just with specific scriptures, but with the entire record of scripture.


The Harvest Begins   

AUTHOR: Terry Swagerty STUDY DATE: 2022-04-17

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Message on the 1st day of Unleavened Bread.


Scattered, Battered and Gathered   

AUTHOR: Austin Wildt STUDY DATE: 2022-04-16

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Due to their backsliding and rebellious attitude, God uprooted His people from their land and scattered them among the nations where they have been subject to the wills of those nations. There is a coming time when God will once again Gather His people back to their land in a second and greater exodus that will dwarf the first.


Observing the Passover   

AUTHOR: Mark Mickelson STUDY DATE: 2022-04-09


The Passover Israel observed on the 15th in the Old Testament was the same Passover Jesus continued to observe on the 15th throughout His lifetime. Jesus did fulfill the sacrifice of the lamb on the 14th but He never changed the observance of the 15th to that same day. The disciples, accordingly, continued to observe the Passover at the beginning of the Feast of Unleavened Bread just as Jesus did and as their fathers had before Him.


Spiritual Deleavening   

AUTHOR: Boyd Yahn STUDY DATE: 2022-04-02


Mankind's spirit continues to be bombarded and influenced by Satan, such that he walks according to the prince of the power of the air. We don't think right as a result. The purpose of the Holy Spirit argument that has gone on for millennia is to hide this continuous poisoning and focus us elsewhere. We look at how that influence affects God's Ecclesia, what it is, and God's identification of it for us. He defines what a leavened spirit actually looks like so that we might know and address it if we are willing.


Understanding Scripture - Part 3   

AUTHOR: Mark Mickelson STUDY DATE: 2022-03-26


Understanding the word of God requires that we rely on the consistency of the record of scripture rather than on definition verses and on interpretation. Isaiah's reference to "line upon line" (28:7-13) describes a curse that leads to false doctrines and confusion. The passage declares the result as "that they might go and fall backward and be broken and snared and caught". We need to accept what the Bible consistently states and stop explaining away the meaning with our own words and interpretations.


Is the Testimony of Jesus Reliable?   

AUTHOR: Terry Swagerty STUDY DATE: 2022-03-19

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You may be wondering, "Why ask a question with such an obvious answer?" Well as we have experienced in recent years, talk is cheap. Compliance is difficult and often inconvenient. What did Jesus teach and are we careful to follow his instruction and example?


Prove All Things   

AUTHOR: Michael Nelte STUDY DATE: 2022-03-12

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1 Thessalonians 5:21 Prove all things; Hold fast that which is good.


Love and Envy   

AUTHOR: Boyd Yahn STUDY DATE: 2022-03-05

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In the garden, Satan poisoned the minds of Adam and Eve with his spirit, and has been doing that to humanity ever since. Traditionally, we've looked to certain physical markers as identifiers of God's ecclesia. Christ did not do so, taking it to another level. We need to do the same, and in so doing, recognize where our spirits as well, bear markers of that influence. We need to fix that if we seek to be barley in God's eyes.


Troubled Times   

AUTHOR: Mark Mickelson STUDY DATE: 2022-02-26

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Habakkuk prophesied in troubled times. The vision he saw was prior to the captivity of Judah but his message wasn't just for Judah in those days. It is a message of judgment and justice that carries on down to the time when "the earth will be filled With the knowledge of the glory of YHVH, As the waters cover the sea". Habakkuk's prophesy is a message declaring YHVH's majesty and glory and the need for the just to live by faith. We live in troubled times today and YHVH's promises are the same. He is our God and we need to truly believe and trust in Him.


The Restoration of Israel (The Fulfillment)   

AUTHOR: Mark Mickelson STUDY DATE: 2022-02-19

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One of the most extensive threads of scripture in the Bible portrays the fulfilling of YHVH's promise to Abraham to multiply his descendants greatly and to give them their own land. Truly, Israel entering the land of Caanan in the time of Joshua was a great event, but a far greater event will be when YHVH brings Israel back to their land, to never be removed again.


The Love of the Truth   

AUTHOR: Terry Swagerty STUDY DATE: 2022-02-12

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In 2 Thes. 2:10 Paul instructs that salvation depends on the love of the truth. We will examine the importance of this concept; how truth is acquired and the obstacles preventing humanity from achieving the truth that sets one free.


The Restoration of Israel (The Promise)   

AUTHOR: Mark Mickelson STUDY DATE: 2022-02-05

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One of the most extensive threads of scripture in the Bible portrays the fulfilling of YHVH's promise to Abraham to multiply his descendants greatly and to give them their own land. Truly, Israel entering the land of Caanan in the time of Joshua was a great event, but a far greater event will be when YHVH brings Israel back to their land, to never be removed again.


The Evolution of the Map   

AUTHOR: Boyd Yahn STUDY DATE: 2022-01-29


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Revelation-Images of Judgement and Hope   

AUTHOR: Terry Swagerty STUDY DATE: 2022-01-22

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The Book of Revelation provides a great exercise in applying the principles of biblical interpretation. It is easy to get bogged down in the details. There are basic lessons that are helpful and encouraging whether or not we understand all the symbols and imaging. Forcing a meaning to the details is rarely helpful.


God's Refining Fire   

AUTHOR: Mark Mickelson STUDY DATE: 2022-01-15

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Most of us have lived our life in the midst of the greatest abundance and prosperity that has ever existed on the earth. But abundance and prosperity do not generally refine us and purify us. Rather they tend to raise our physical expectations and lower our spiritual ones, and that is a great danger. There is a time of trial coming upon the whole world and only those who have been cleansed and remain pure will be kept from it.


Whatever You Ask the Father in My Name   

AUTHOR: Michael Nelte STUDY DATE: 2022-01-08

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John 16: 23 "And in that day you will ask Me nothing. Most assuredly, I say to you, whatever you ask the Father in My name He will give you."


The Revelation: A Central World Ruling Government is Coming   

AUTHOR: Terry Swagerty STUDY DATE: 2022-01-01

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There is a great deal of hyperbole swirling around the idea of a world ruling government in the making. Earthly powers manipulating an economic reset designed to enslave mankind. Indeed, it is not mere conspiracy theory; it is a prophetic reality and it comes with a serious caution to the ekklesia of Almighty God.


Three Times A Year   

AUTHOR: Mark Mickelson STUDY DATE: 2021-12-25


God's plan of salvation is portrayed by the observance of His yearly appointed times, and among those times, there are three special harvest celebrations. The meaning of those festivals is enhanced by some related passages we haven't generally considered.


King of Kings and Lord of Lords   

AUTHOR: Mark Mickelson STUDY DATE: 2021-12-18


References to King of Kings and Lord of Lords are repeated in scripture but they have often not been properly ascribed. When you consider the continuity of the record of scripture, and understand the structure of the Greek language in which some of the references have been preserved, then their use is consistent. They are used exclusively for God the Father.


The Seven Seals of Revelation   

AUTHOR: Terry Swagerty STUDY DATE: 2021-12-11

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In studying the Book of Revelation it is important to understand what was known before the book was delivered. This session will take a step back to consider briefly what was known about "end of the age" before we examine the Seven Seals.


Run to Win!   

AUTHOR: Michael Nelte STUDY DATE: 2021-12-04

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1 Cor 9:24 Do you not know that those who run in a race all run, but one receives the prize? Run in such a way that you may obtain it.


Mystery of the Millennium - Part 13 of 14   

AUTHOR: Boyd Yahn STUDY DATE: 2021-11-27

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As God reveals more and more of His plan, we should be moving to understand YHVH and the Christ better, and how they work. The saints will be involved far more in the establishment of God's Kingdom on the earth than we have previously considered. As the Father and Christ are one in purpose, so we need to become one with that purpose as we are shown it. We take a look at how to recognize each of them in the Old Testament, by examining who is speaking in the text, and also the spirit of the speaker in the text. Knowing such, YHVH and His Servant are more easily recognized, and our attitude as future servants of God is shown for what it needs to be. God does indeed reveal much of His plan to restore all things, which the ecclesia will be a part of. We look at what that plan actually is and how it is consistently spoken of across large blocks of scripture. The vast majority of references are pre-millennial, and can read like history in advance, which prophecy is, when we understand where they go. We place yet more events between the book ends of our map.


The Kingdom of YHVH (Millennium - Part 12)   

AUTHOR: Boyd Yahn STUDY DATE: 2021-11-20


The revelation from God to man, is recorded in scripture. Our understanding of that revelation, is largely dependent on what we will actually choose to believe when we read it. When we do believe it, much understanding is opened to us, and many puzzle pieces fall into place, at times in an overwhelming way. We look at some of those pieces of the puzzle falling into place, when we understand that the millennium and the setting up of the kingdom of God, are separate things entirely, and separated by a time much longer than we had previously considered or understood.


The Gospel and the Harvest   

AUTHOR: Mark Mickelson STUDY DATE: 2021-11-13

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The Father's plan of salvation for all of mankind, proclaimed as the gospel of the Kingdom of God, is portrayed by the stages of the harvest, as they existed in Bible times. Our understanding of that plan has been limited by embedded traditions but is now opening in a significant way. The key is in being able to better understand both the the gospel and the harvest.


YHVH's Love or Agape Love?   

AUTHOR: Les King STUDY DATE: 2021-11-06

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This presentation will cover aspects of YHVH's love shown to us in 1 Cor 13 and is a love that is rooted in actions. It will also show that a common belief that the Greek word for love, "agape" is equal to YHVH's love is a narrative and not supported by scripture.


Four Views of Revelation   

AUTHOR: Terry Swagerty STUDY DATE: 2021-10-30

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A multitude of commentaries on the Book of Revelation have accumulated. All attempting to make sense of the mysteries, strange symbols and prophetic events. Generation after generation of Bible students have attempted to sort through and make sense of "things which must shortly take place".


The Meaning of the 8th Day   

AUTHOR: Mark Mickelson STUDY DATE: 2021-10-29

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There are two basic ways to understand the meaning of the appointed time, the 8th Day, which is kept after the seven days of the Feast of Tabernacles. One is to recognize how the number 8 is used in the Bible, and the other is to consider the concluding prophetic portrayals in the timeline of scripture. Both God and Jesus Christ are going to reign forever and ever and that is an essential key in seeking to understand the meaning of this day.


Dating the Crucifixion   

AUTHOR: Les King STUDY DATE: 2021-10-28

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While this doesn't seem to be a topic one would see at the Feast of Tabernacles, the study itself started to be about finding the beginning of the Sabbatical cycles of 7 years leading to the 7 weeks of 7 years discussed in Leviticus 25. As well as being able to see the possible start of the Sabbatical cycle there are some other calendar implications that are present and related to the timing of the Feast of Tabernacles this year.


The New Jerusalem   

AUTHOR: Mark Mickelson STUDY DATE: 2021-10-27

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Abraham looked forward to dwelling with God in the city He had promised. That city is the New Jerusalem, in which both God the Father and Jesus Christ will dwell during the millennium. God is going to dwell on the earth together with His children.


Ask - With Boldness and Trust   

AUTHOR: Glen White STUDY DATE: 2021-10-26

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Seeking our Father's face eagerly with boldness, humility and trusting expectation. What Father would not rejoice when one of His children trusts Him and with confidence approachs Him with their requests? Jesus Christ gave us the Father's words and He said, "ask and you shall receive." Jesus said it is on the Father's mind to give us the Kingdom. How bold are we in asking for the necessary gifts?


Don't Crush Your Can   

AUTHOR: Mark Mickelson STUDY DATE: 2021-10-25

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The choices each of us makes, very early in life, can impact our future. Some choices make little difference, but others can limit our physical potential in significant ways. This is not about what happens to us externally but about the choices that each of us makes for ourselves.


How Much Is Enough?   

AUTHOR: Terry Swagerty STUDY DATE: 2021-10-24

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There is a continual effort to convince us that we should be unsatisfied with what we have. Is it possible to define enough? Must we be forever in pursuit of more? Will the millennium be similar to pursuing the great American dream? God's word provides guidance.


The Devil Knows My Name   

AUTHOR: Austin Wildt STUDY DATE: 2021-10-23

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It is a look at how Satan responds when we take action on what God has inspired us to do. When God moves, Satan moves. When we move in accordance with God, Satan moves. We will be going thru examples of this on a personal level, a church level, and a global level and how if you're under attack??? you're probably on the right track.


The Fear of YHVH   

AUTHOR: Mark Mickelson STUDY DATE: 2021-10-22

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The Feast of Tabernacles is a time YHVH appointed for us to worship Him. It is a time of great rejoicing but it is also a time to learn to fear YHVH our God (Deuteronomy 14:23). Our Godly fear includes what we do, but more fundamentally, it is what we are. It is our response to having been called to be part of the family of God.

Join us Friday, October 22, at 12:00 Pacific time for the First Day of the Feast of Tabernacles


The Excuse and the Reason   

AUTHOR: Boyd Yahn STUDY DATE: 2021-10-17

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God the Father is the maker of our spirits, and we are charged to become one in spirit with both He and the Christ. This world is run by humanity generally, following the prince of the power of the air, the wrong spirit chosen by man in the garden. It is the foundation of this world, and God's Ecclesia are not immune to its influence. It is our spirit that goes back to God when we die, and if it is defiled, that is not a good thing. We look at defiled in a closer way so that we might remove those imperfections and become similar to Christ in spirit. The 144,000 have no guile in their spirits, and we need to know what that is, and other imperfections as well, and cleanse our spirits as per 2 Corinthians 7:1.


The Covering Over of Sin   

AUTHOR: Mark Mickelson REVISED: 2021-10-17


Atonement pictures the opening events of YHVH's plan to offer salvation to all of mankind. It portrays the covering of sin, in relationship to God the Father, rather than the forgiveness of sin. It is impossible for the blood of bulls and goats to take away sins. Forgiveness comes only by the blood sacrifice of Jesus Christ.


As Iron Sharpens Iron   

AUTHOR: Michael Nelte STUDY DATE: 2021-10-16

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Proverbs 27:17 As iron sharpens iron, so one man sharpens another.
How iron sharpens iron, how a sharp blade improves the quality of a knife, and how we are to be improving the quality of the brethren, and we are to be improved by them. Look in the Bible to see how this can be done.


The Time of the Dead   

AUTHOR: Mark Mickelson STUDY DATE: 2021-10-09

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God's plan of salvation is for all of mankind to have the opportunity to know Him. Those who receive that opportunity in this life and are faithful will become the firstfruits of YHVH's spiritual harvest. But the great ingathering of the harvest, the opportunity for salvation for the vast majority of mankind, will take place by a resurrection from the dead.


Appointed Times - The Day of YHVH   

AUTHOR: Mark Mickelson STUDY DATE: 2021-10-08

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The Feast of Trumpets is like a fulcrum between the two great harvest seasons, the harvest of the firstfruits and the harvest of the rest of mankind. It is a day of blasting out a warning. It is the day that God the Father comes and begins to directly intervene in the affairs of mankind.

Join us this Friday, October, 8th at 12:00 pm Pacific time for the Appointed Time of the Feast of Trumpets.


The Appointed Times   

AUTHOR: Mark Mickelson STUDY DATE: 2021-10-02


The appointed times are the times YHVH appointed for man to assemble to worship before Him. Each portrays elements of His plan of salvation but they do not portray all prophetic events. Both God the Father and Jesus Christ are part of the meaning and fulfillment of each festival.


Revelation 2: Glorify Thy Son   

AUTHOR: Terry Swagerty STUDY DATE: 2021-09-25

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The night Jesus was betrayed he prayed: "Father, the hour has come. Glorify your son that your son may also glorify you." Thus the Book of Revelation, declaring that "the time is near", opens by focusing on the glory of God and his first born.


The Sacrifice of Our Conscience   

AUTHOR: Mark Mickelson STUDY DATE: 2021-09-18

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In Judgment, our measure will not simply be whether we did right or wrong or whether we got caught. Our measure is going to include our conscience. What we knew, when we knew it, and what we did about it. Our conscience is part of what we lay down in sacrifice to YHVH and it must be pure.


Revelation: Another Look   

AUTHOR: Terry Swagerty STUDY DATE: 2021-09-11

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There are four basic approaches used by commentators to sort out the meaning of this mysterious book. We'll take a closer look and examine the COG's historical approach. We may find greater care should be taken in how we draw conclusions.


Understanding Scripture - Part 2   

AUTHOR: Mark Mickelson STUDY DATE: 2021-09-04


In order to understand scripture, we need to personally study the text; we need to be aware of the impact of our environment; and we need to appraise the arguments of those who teach. We also need to go beyond reading the Bible as an English book and consider the meaning that is contained in the original Hebrew and Greek.


The Book of the Covenant   

AUTHOR: Terry Swagerty STUDY DATE: 2021-08-28

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We are all familiar with the Ten Commandments in Exodus 20. The three chapters that follow contain judgments based on the Ten. Some are familiar and straight forward; others strange and rather arbitrary to our 21st Century. This week we take a closer look.


A Temple For The Name of YHVH   

AUTHOR: Mark Mickelson STUDY DATE: 2021-08-21

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YHVH's presence was in the tabernacle and the temple that followed but the temple today is the Ekklesia. Ezekiel prophesied of a future temple that will exist when Israel is restored to their land and YHVH is no longer hiding His face from them. He will again dwell in Israel's midst but The Church of The God is the temple where YHVH's presence is today.


Live By Every Word of God   

AUTHOR: Terry Swagerty STUDY DATE: 2021-08-14

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To "live by every word of God" we must recognize that God's word is consistent, unwavering. Basic definitions of common words or concepts from God's instruction (torah) prevents misunderstanding the message Jesus brought and his apostles expounded.


YHVH is My Shepherd   

AUTHOR: Mark Mickelson STUDY DATE: 2021-08-07


Our Father is intimately involved in our lives; from our creation, to our calling, to our spiritual development, to when we die and our course in this life is finished. Jesus Christ also cares for us and set a perfect example for us to follow, but He never directed us to Himself. God the Father is His God and our God and He directed us to Him.


The Bible Jesus Read   

AUTHOR: Terry Swagerty STUDY DATE: 2021-07-31

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The so-called "Old Testament" represents roughly 3/4 of the Bible. Along with the apostolic writings it forms the foundation of the household of God. Jesus defeated the Devil's attempt to influence him by quoting Deuteronomy. The holy scriptures make one wise unto salvation, said Paul to Timothy. One cannot properly understand God's plan/purpose without it.


The Word of Truth   

AUTHOR: Mark Mickelson STUDY DATE: 2021-07-24


God's words are true and it is His voice we need to hear when we study the scriptures rather than just the echo of our own thoughts and opinions. One subject to study in seeking to hear our Father's voice is Where God Places His Name. It is an important subject that impacts the way we worship YHVH.


Acts - The Problem of Historical Precedent   

AUTHOR: Terry Swagerty STUDY DATE: 2021-07-17

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The Book of Acts records the early history of the post-resurrection Assembly of God. Does this account provide the norm to be restored or perhaps the ideal to be approximated? Does the account provide us with the pattern of behavior for the modern era?


The Legacy Of Our Life   

AUTHOR: Mark Mickelson STUDY DATE: 2021-07-10

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Our legacy is what we leave behind when we die. It is what those who knew us will remember about us. Those memories will include both what we did do and what we didn't do, but more fundamentally, they will include whether we focused on the future or on the past.


The Reality of Life, Post Calling   

AUTHOR: Terry Swagerty STUDY DATE: 2021-07-03

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Being called out of a world focused on the abundance of possessions and consumption presents a number of challenges and paradoxes. If we measure our progress as Christians by the values of this world rather than the purpose of God we are in for a rough ride.


The God of Bethel   

AUTHOR: Mark Mickelson STUDY DATE: 2021-06-26


The God of Bethel is the God who appeared to Jacob in a dream at Luz. Afterwards Jacob named it Bethel which means The House of God. Genesis 35 shows that the One who appeared to Jacob was God Almighty which is exclusively a reference to the Father.


Pentecost 2021   

AUTHOR: Terry Swagerty STUDY DATE: 2021-06-20

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God continues to do a good work in bringing many children to eternal life. The harvest of first fruit is the culmination event promised from the foundation of the world. At long last this mortal will put on immortality.


Spiritual Awareness   

AUTHOR: Rick Matthews STUDY DATE: 2021-06-19

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Who do you trust? Men have been proven untrustworthy for the most part.


Physical and Spiritual Resiliency   

AUTHOR: Mark Mickelson STUDY DATE: 2021-06-12

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Our lives contain both obstacles and opportunities, and many times, they begin in the same place. We need to strive to live in a way that fosters hope and encouragement rather than that which produces discouragement and despair.


The Calling of God   

AUTHOR: Terry Swagerty STUDY DATE: 2021-06-05

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What is a calling? What Hebrew and Greek words are used to represent a calling? Who does the calling and what is the purpose of it?


Understanding Bible Terms - Part 3    PREV

AUTHOR: Mark Mickelson STUDY DATE: 2021-05-29

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Using the Hebrew and the Septuagint to better understand some of the NT Greek. The New Covenant.


Romans 9,10,& 11: Calling, Rejection and Restoration of Israel of 11   

AUTHOR: Terry Swagerty STUDY DATE: 2021-05-22

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It has been almost 20 centuries since Paul penned the letter to the Romans. Considerable space is devoted to the relationship between Jew and Gentile and the status of the descendants of Israel. Are there lessons for God's Ekklesia today?


When God Pours Out His Spirit   

AUTHOR: Mark Mickelson STUDY DATE: 2021-05-15

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YHVH works with us to fulfill His will, and if we follow His lead, then our salvation is secure. But if we draw back, our salvation is at risk. We live by responding to our Father when He pours out His Spirit.


The Ministry Of The Word   

AUTHOR: Terry Swagerty STUDY DATE: 2021-05-08

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Paul instructed Timothy that the word of God was profitable, for teaching, reproof, correction and instruction in righteousness. Does this not imply that we will encounter need for correction; that our current state of righteousness is lacking; that some portion of our "doctrinal integrity" may be in error? We must take care to use the scripture as God intended. We must be willing to acknowledge our errors and correct them in the light of scripture. Tradition and interpretation must not take precedence over revelation.

Note: This presentation was given on December 30, 2017 at Mark's retirement. Mark chose to not speak as access was being restricted. After Terry spoke he was informed that his sermon was inappropriate and it would not be posted. It is being shared here and will also be included in the Restored Sermons category.


In This You Greatly Rejoice   

AUTHOR: Terry Swagerty STUDY DATE: 2021-05-04

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1 Peter 1:6


Are We Getting Our House In Order?   

AUTHOR: Rick Matthews STUDY DATE: 2021-05-01

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Matthew 25:13 - Watch therefore, for you know neither the day nor hour in which the Son of Man is coming.


What Does It Mean to be Unleavened?   

AUTHOR: Mark Mickelson STUDY DATE: 2021-04-28

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Leavening, during the Days Of Unleavened Bread, pictures the swelling infection of sin and the contagious nature of its presence. Our Father sent His Son to deliver us from being in bondage to sin so that we might truly be unleavened.


All Things New   

AUTHOR: Glen White STUDY DATE: 2021-04-24

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Explore the understanding of the scripture found in 2 Cort 5:17.


Let There Be Light - Part 2    PREV

AUTHOR: Mark Mickelson STUDY DATE: 2021-04-17

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Observing YHVH's calendar is our personal responsibility as it directs us in our worship. It was established from creation and allows us to worship YHVH wherever we are. A calendar interpreted and administered by men directs us to men. YHVH's calendar directs us to Him.


The New Covenant in My Blood - Part 2    PREV

AUTHOR: Terry Swagerty STUDY DATE: 2021-04-10

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Part 2 of this message on the New Covenant.


YHVH's Covenant Relationships   

AUTHOR: Mark Mickelson STUDY DATE: 2021-04-03

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There are two relationships portrayed by YHVH's covenants. One is based on works; obey and your sins are covered. The other is based on faith; believe and your sins are forgiven. Neither are marriage covenants. Doctrine must be based on the record of scripture and not the traditions of men.


The New Covenant in My Blood - Part 1    NEXT

AUTHOR: Terry Swagerty STUDY DATE: 2021-03-27

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What is the New Covenant? Why is blood required for sacrifices? Why did ancient Israel not obey the terms of the covenant? What was the result?


Personal Responsibility   

AUTHOR: Mark Mickelson STUDY DATE: 2021-03-20

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There are men who want to be followed and there are people who want to follow a man. Put them together and you can form a church. Jesus Christ directed us to his Father and that is where our focus must be. We must take personal responsibility for choosing to follow Christ's example and not become followers of men.


Interpreting Scripture   

AUTHOR: Terry Swagerty STUDY DATE: 2021-03-13

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A look at basic principles of Bible Study and application; what does a Berean approach to Bible Study look like?


Understanding Bible Terms - Part 2    NEXT

AUTHOR: Mark Mickelson STUDY DATE: 2021-03-06

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The meaning of forgiveness and atonement with physical Israel and elements of the calendar and the observance of Passover.


Preach the Gospel   

AUTHOR: Rick Matthews STUDY DATE: 2021-02-27

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Preaching the Gospel to the world. What did Jesus preach? What did he commission the disciples to do? What is our responsibility?


YHVH's Passover   

AUTHOR: Mark Mickelson STUDY DATE: 2021-02-20

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The old testament provides the platform for the new. YHVH defines the Passover in both cases. Jesus did not institute a Passover different from what His Father created.


Let There Be Light!    NEXT

AUTHOR: Mark Mickelson STUDY DATE: 2021-02-13

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The Jewish calendar is based on calculations. YHVH's calendar is based on the sightings of the sun and moon. God made his laws simple enough so that our children can understand. This study discusses the biblical day, week, month, and year.


Restoring The Faith   

AUTHOR: Mark Mickelson STUDY DATE: 2021-02-06

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The foundation of our Faith.


Total Studies: 232


Leviticus 23:26-28 NKJV

And the LORD spoke unto Moses saying:

"Also the tenth day of this seventh month shall be the day of Atonement (Coverings). It shall be a holy convocation for you; you shall afflict your souls, and offer an offering made by fire to the LORD.

And you shall do no work on that same day, for it is the Day of Atonement (Coverings), to make Atonement (Covering) for you before the LORD your God. ..."

Today's Date