A Venue for Biblical studies for the Ekklesia

Study Topics for: RESTORED SERMONS

A number of sermons were given that were either not posted online or were subsequently pulled from circulation. This category lists Studies that may fit in other categories but are collected under this topic for convenience.

The Ministry Of The Word   

AUTHOR: Terry Swagerty SUBMITTED: 2021-05-15


Paul instructed Timothy that the word of God was profitable, for teaching, reproof, correction and instruction in righteousness. Does this not imply that we will encounter need for correction; that our current state of righteousness is lacking; that some portion of our "doctrinal integrity" may be in error? We must take care to use the scripture as God intended. We must be willing to acknowledge our errors and correct them in the light of scripture. Tradition and interpretation must not take precedence over revelation.

Note: This presentation was given on December 30, 2017 at Mark's retirement. Mark chose to not speak as access was being restricted. After Terry spoke he was informed that his sermon was inappropriate and it would not be posted. It is being shared here and will also be included in the Restored Sermons category.


Prove all Things, Warn the People   

AUTHOR: Austin Wildt SUBMITTED: 2020-08-15


The Corona virus has caused a major upheaval in the world. Are the churches responsible to expound the motives behind this issue? Are the conspiracy theories valid? Are we not taught by the scriptures to prove all things?


The God of Jacob   

AUTHOR: Mark Mickelson SUBMITTED: 2020-04-11


YHVH's covenant with Abraham was confirmed with Isaac and with Jacob and then with the nation of Israel. It is an everlasting covenant that extends on down to the restoration of Israel in the land promised to them and their being called to salvation.


Total Studies: 3


Leviticus 23:26-28 NKJV

And the LORD spoke unto Moses saying:

"Also the tenth day of this seventh month shall be the day of Atonement (Coverings). It shall be a holy convocation for you; you shall afflict your souls, and offer an offering made by fire to the LORD.

And you shall do no work on that same day, for it is the Day of Atonement (Coverings), to make Atonement (Covering) for you before the LORD your God. ..."

Today's Date