A Venue for Biblical studies for the Ekklesia

Study Topics for: PASSOVER - 15TH OT/NT

The argument that Passover continued to be kept as Israel did except that Jesus became the sacrifice and a lamb was no longer to be offered, is referred to as 15th/15th. This argument is that the sacrifice of the lamb was at the end of the 14th and eaten at the beginning of the 15th. The traditional Night To Be Much Observed of the Church of God community is at the same time that the Passover is to be kept and marks the beginning of the Days of Unleavened Bread.

These different arguments are presented for consideration as they reflect the current practice of members of the Church of God and the timing and the taking of the symbols is considered by some to be a matter of salvation. A presentation on 14th/14th will be added when it is available. Each member must decide for himself what they believe the record of scripture is. Not knowing the arguments is ignorance and having someone tell you what the answer is and then doing what they tell you is following a man. We must worship our Father according to what we have personally searched out and understand.

Passover: Ceremony or a Meal?   

AUTHOR: Glen White SUBMITTED: 2024-04-18


This study has pointedly reminded me that the prism, or paradigm, through which I previously viewed these scriptures, was taught and accepted without question or any true biblical scholarship. Hopefully, the washing of water by the Word will eventually cleanse the "stream of understanding" of the residual, obscuring silt.


Passover: Addressing Controversial Details   

AUTHOR: Wil Berg SUBMITTED: 2023-02-17


This study paper examines areas of Scripture and history that have created ongoing disagreement. It also gives further biblical support for observing the Passover as a supper on Abib 15.


Comments Related to Abib 14 and 15   

AUTHOR: Wil Berg SUBMITTED: 2022-05-11


How Exodus 12 shows Jesus' Abib 14 "last supper" was not Passover.


Passover Differences - Another Look   

AUTHOR: Wil Berg SUBMITTED: 2022-03-28


Another look at the Observance of the Passover.


The Passover or The Last Supper   

AUTHOR: Les King SUBMITTED: 2022-03-27


This study covers the events from Jesus' proclamation "after two days is the Passover" to the point that He dies on the stake. Besides this time marker, Matthew, Mark, Luke and John give time markers to some of the events. Some think that there is conflict with a time marker that John gives. Throughout the years starting in the 4th century there have been various explanations given to make John's account line up with the common belief of how the chronology of events took place according to the understanding of the other three accounts. Charles Ellicott in his commentary published in 1878 said it best when speaking of the various ways to explain the supposed discrepancy, "it is better, therefore, simply to admit that there is a difficulty arising from our ignorance of the exact order of events, or, it may be, of the exact words which the Evangelists wrote." This paper shows how the 4 accounts can line up and not be in conflict without explaining away any of the accounts. It includes an appendices that argue against the translation of the phrase "ben ha arbayim" to mean twilight by our modern definition in order to get an early 14th Passover. It also includes an appendices arguing against the idea that there are two Passovers, one at the beginning of the 14th and the other at the end of the 14th.


Chronology of the Last Supper   

AUTHOR: Austin Wildt SUBMITTED: 2021-03-25


These are the events leading up to, during, and just after what is commonly called the "Lord's supper" or "last supper". My commentary throughout is about the events and explanation on why I believe this meal was NOT a Passover meal. In the Old Testament of the Bible, the Passover is not a day, it is a sacrifice that was killed at twilight at the end of the 14th day of the first month.


Passover Observance Early 15th   

AUTHOR: Wil Berg SUBMITTED: 2021-03-21


This paper explains why I now believe Passover should be observed the night of the 15th instead of the night of the 14th.


A New Ceremony or a Meal?   

AUTHOR: Glen White SUBMITTED: 2021-01-25


This study has pointedly reminded me that the prism, or paradigm, through which I previously viewed these scriptures, was taught and accepted without question or any true biblical scholarship. Hopefully, the washing of water by the Word will eventually cleanse the "stream of understanding" of the residual, obscuring silt.


Passover and the Days of Unleavened Bread Part 3 of 3    PREV

AUTHOR: Mark Mickelson SUBMITTED: 2020-12-17


Part 3 of the series on The Passover and Days of Unleavened bread.


Passover and the Days of Unleavened Bread Part 2 of 3    PREV NEXT

AUTHOR: Mark Mickelson SUBMITTED: 2020-12-17


Part 2 of the series on The Passover and Days of Unleavened bread.


Passover and the Days of Unleavened Bread Part 1 of 3    NEXT

AUTHOR: Mark Mickelson SUBMITTED: 2020-12-16


When was the lamb killed and eaten in the Old Testament account? Is Passover a day or event? How does Passover relate to the Days of Unleavened Bread? Jesus was the true Passover. Did Jesus hold a Passover service or did He have a dinner and a last teaching before his death? There are various interpretations of the Passover. What does the record of scripture state? This is Part 1 of a 3 part series.


Total Studies: 11


Leviticus 23:26-28 NKJV

And the LORD spoke unto Moses saying:

"Also the tenth day of this seventh month shall be the day of Atonement (Coverings). It shall be a holy convocation for you; you shall afflict your souls, and offer an offering made by fire to the LORD.

And you shall do no work on that same day, for it is the Day of Atonement (Coverings), to make Atonement (Covering) for you before the LORD your God. ..."

Today's Date